Angus HeiferSELECT

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Angus HeiferSELECT is a genomic selection tool to help inform the selection of Angus replacement females (87.5% Angus content or greater) in a commercial beef breeding operation.

Angus HeiferSELECT provides:

  • Genetic predictions for fourteen (14) maternal, fertility, growth, feed intake, carcase and resilience traits
  • Genetic prediction for cow-calf value, feedlot-carcase value and total breeding value (with star rating)
  • Angus BreedCHECK – genomic breed composition prediction
  • Sire assignment – Possible sires must be registered with Angus Australia and have genomic profiles available

Angus HeiferSELECT is compatible with add-on BVDV testing, facilitating the identification of animals persistently infected with Bovine Virus Diarrhoea Virus (also known as Bovine Pestivirus).

Angus HeiferSELECT complements other sources of information that may be used in commercial replacement heifer selection, such as phenotypic evaluation, age, weight and pedigree information, and provides valuable insight into the genetic potential of heifers, particularly for traits that are otherwise difficult, time consuming or expensive to measure using traditional methods.

Angus HeiferSELECT has been developed in Australia, by Australians, for use in Australian Angus cattle.

Angus HeiferSELECT can be exclusively ordered from Angus Australia, delivered in collaboration with Zoetis Animal Genetics and Neogen Australasia.

Angus Australia acknowledges the funds provided by the Australian Government through the Meat & Livestock Australia Donor Company (MDC).  

This resource was created as a result of a collaboration between Angus Australia and Meat & Livestock Australia Donor Company (MDC) (Project P.PSH.1063).



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